I’m so hopeless at names sometimes – I had a sub see me today with one of those names… so familiar and so hard to put to a face! (in this case an apostle) I told him to say he was the cheeky one with a white bum next time! That I’ll remember…

I’m often no good with names – better with faces – but once I have someone at my feet, it all comes flooding back!

It was a lot of fun today – he’s a bit cheeky, but never crosses the line – good fun… we did an hour and a half, which is a good length I think – a bit more time to get up to mischief and explore some more restrictive bondage etc… things that you don’t usually play with so much in a shorter session…

I also went out to Livingston and did my medical shopping… I have a zillion pairs of small gloves now! Plus a heap of medium for some of the ladies that frequent my dungeons – and those coming to the girls’ party this weekend!

Oh – and I bought some Fleet enemas – because I do prefer a clean botbot from all those boys who love my strap-on!

Busy day tomorrow… plus my new advertisement in Paddles is out – and has a photo this time! Very sexy… but very strict!